Posted on:Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 8:04 PM
Elaine Wilson |
By Elaine Wilson of AFPS
WASHINGTON: The Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury has released its
monthly webinar series schedule for 2011, and officials there hope the topics will interest everyone from servicemembers and their families to medical professionals. The
webinar series presents resources and best practices regarding TBI and psychological health care and offers participants an interactive environment to ask questions or comment. This past year, the series featured topics such as family support techniques, combating stigma, suicide prevention and reintegration programs.
In 2011, topics will range from the impact of war on children to post-traumatic stress disorder in the wake of a natural disaster. Webinars are scheduled from 1 to 4 p.m. EST.
Here's the complete schedule:
Jan. 27: Peer-to-Peer Support Model Program
Feb. 24: Compassion Fatigue
March 24: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Co-occurring Psychological Health Disorders:
Focus on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury with Co-occurring Psychological Health
Disorders Toolkit
April 28: Indirect Neurotrauma: The Impact of War on Children
May 26: Operational Stress and In Theater Care
June 23: Anatomical/Physiological Changes Secondary to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
July 28: Reintegrative Medicine: Focusing on Family and Clinical Perspective, and
Adaptation Following Incident
Aug. 25: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Natural Disasters
Sept. 22: Neuropathophysiology of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Oct. 27: Generational Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Post Traumatic Growth
Nov. 17: Holidays Apart from Family
December: No event due to the holidays
(Issued on: Dec. 29, 2010)