Friday, August 23, 2024

Tricolor: The spirit of India-Essence from the Past: Hope for Future

 Friday 23rd August 2024 at 9:12 AM

Ram Puniyani analyses the call by NDA govt. 

Bhopal:23rd August 2024: (Ram Puniyani//The SPIS News Desk)::

On the occasion of this Independence Day (2024) NDA Government gave a call for the third edition of Har Ghar Tiranga (Tricolor in every house). This event first began in 2022 by the BJP government. It was a great surprise; as BJP’s ideological parent RSS has been opposed to the tricolor as the national flag all through, till  26th January 2001, when “According to the case, three activists Baba Mendhe, Ramesh Kalambe and Dilip Chatwani — along with others allegedly entered the RSS premises in Reshimbagh on 26 January in 2001 and hoisted the national flag there amid patriotic slogans.”

A police case was registered against them and they were jailed (Case no 176), Nagpur 2001. They were acquitted and the 51 years of RSS not hoisting tricolor came to an end. Tricolor (that time with Charkha in the middle) had emerged as an inspiring flag during the freedom movement. When Jawaharlal Nehru became the President of INC 1929 Lahore session, he called upon the Nation to celebrate 26th January as Independence Day by hoisting the tricolor. IN contrast K. B. Hedgewar issued a circular on 21 January 1930 to hoist Bhagva Jhenda (Saffron Flag). Circular instructed the members of RSS to assemble at 6 PM at the places where shakhas met for “salutation to the National Flag, i.e., the Bhagwa Dhawaj.”

Their argument was that the saffron flag represents the Hindu nation from times past so no need for a new flag. Anyway all those participating in the freedom movement adopted the tricolor flag except those who kept aloof from anti colonial freedom struggle, Muslim League (green flag) and RSS (Saffron flag). Savarkar of Hindu Mahasabha also stood for the saffron flag.

M.S Golwalkar, the Second RSS Chief put forward the ideology of RSS vis a vis flag, he stated “It was the saffron flag which in totality represented Bhartiya [Indian] culture. It was the embodiment of God. We firmly believe that in the end the whole nation will bow before this saffron flag.”

At every stage the RSS’s unofficial mouthpiece used to come out with editorials opposing tricolor and upholding the saffron flag. The flag committee was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, and had C. Rajagopalachari, Maulana Azad, K. M. Munshi and Dr. Ambedkar as its members. They considered all the other proposals and came to finalize Congress’s flag, the tricolor with the difference that the Charkha in the flag was replaced by Ashok Chakra with 24 spokes in the flag. While moving the resolution for the flag in the Constituent Assembly, Nehru with full appreciation of India’s history and culture saw the flag as a continuation of the glorious tradition of the past and hope for the future. His remarkably touching speech referred to the great sacrifices of Indian people to throw away the shackles of slavery. He also related it to Asoka and his international fame and message of peace and saw in it a bridge to the global community.

As per Nehru, “We thought of a Flag which in its combination and in its separate parts would somehow represent the spirit of the nation, the tradition of the nation, that mixed spirit and tradition which has grown up through thousands of years in India… we have associated with this Flag of ours not only this emblem but in a sense the name of Asoka, one of the most magnificent names not only in India's history but in world history “

Despite this the RSS, Sangh Parivar, continued with glorifying of Hindu nationalist ideology. Golwalkar further wrote in "Bunch of Thoughts“. Even after Independence, it was the RSS which refused to accept the Tricolor as the National Flag. Golwalkar, while denouncing the choice of the Tricolor as the National Flag, in an essay entitled ‘Drifting and Drifting’ in the book, ‘Bunch of Thoughts’ (collection of writings/speeches of Golwalkar), wrote: “Our leaders have set up a new flag for our country. Why did they do so? It is just a case of drifting and imitating….Ours is an ancient and great nation with a glorious past. Then, had we no flag of our own? Had we no national emblem in all these thousands of years? Undoubtedly we had. Then why this utter void, this utter vacuum in our minds?”

Savarkar too refused to accept the Tricolor as the national flag. Demanding its boycott, declared in a statement on September 22, 1941: “So far as the flag question is concerned, the Hindus know no flag representing Hindudom as a whole than the ‘Kundalini Kripanankit’ Mahasabha flag with the ‘Om and the Swastik’ the most ancient symbols of the Hindu race and policy coming down from age to age and honored throughout Hindusthan… Therefore, any place or function where this Pan-Hindu flag is not honored should be boycotted by the Hindusanghatanists [members of the Hindu Mahasabha]...”

In a way this Har Ghar tirnaga is a clever move by the BJP Government. As per the changing times, it keeps its core agenda of Hindu nationalism unchanged and is adept to symbolic changes. It has a twin policy about symbols. On one hand to adopt some symbols which are very deeply rooted in the peoples’ psyche. On the other it has also tried to introduce celebrations of some days to promote divisive agenda. It has also floated the celebration of days (14th August) as ‘Partition Horrors remembrance day’ with the aim to propagate that partition led to the tragedy for Hindus, while keeping mum on the loss of Muslim community. The 25th December has been declared as ‘Good Governance day’ and has been promoted to mark Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s birthday. It is a deliberate attempt to undermine the celebration of Christmas.

The same Tiranga has also been used as an instrument of intimidation, when hoards of youth on the pretext of religious celebrations take out their rallies waving tricolor through the Muslim majority areas or climb up mosques to hoist tricolor particularly on Ram Navami days! The deeper intent of BJP in Har Ghar Tiranga is merely for optics, bereft of the deeper commitment to the message inherent in this flag, sacrifice, peace and unity in diversity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Should Government Employees be allowed to Join RSS?

Monday 29th July 2024 at 7:32 PM

We also recall that RSS has been banned thrice

Ram Puniyani analyzed the historical references related to the RSS

Bhopal: 29th July 2024: (Ram Puniyani//The SPIS News Desk)::

Writer Ram Puniyani
RSS is the biggest organization in the World. It aims at working for Hindu Rashtra and also claims that it is a Cultural Organization. It is as such striving for Nationalism (Hindu)’ contrary to the one underlined in our Constitution, Indian Nationalism. It regards Hindus as a Nation and so it has set its goal. Times and over again one or the other top leader of BJP voices the demand for scrapping the Indian Constitution and proclaiming that we should become a Hindu Rashtra. RSS Sarsanghchalak K. Sudarshan himself had stated this when became chief of RSS in 2000. Prior to 2024 elections BJP President J.P. Nadda stated that now BJP is more capable and does not need RSS support for its electoral campaign which was the norm in previous elections. What does the pledge and prayer of RSS tell about its goal?

Its role in shaping BJP, its political progeny, can easily be discerned from the writings and actions of RSS. One recalls that it was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee of Hindu Mahasabha, who collaborated with RSS to float the previous avatar of BJP, Bhartiya Jansangh. The then RSS chief M.S. Golwalkar,(Guruji) regarded as the major ideologue of RSS; time and again outlined the role of RSS trained Swayamsaevaks and Pracharaks, while being in Jana Sangh or BJP.

Golwalkar writes “For instance some of our friends were told to go and work for politics that does not mean that they have great interest or inspiration for it. They don’t die for politics like fish without water. If they are told to withdraw from politics, then also there is no objection. Their discretion is just not required.” (Golwalkar, MS, Shri Guruji Samagar Darshan (collected works of Golwalkar in Hindi, Bhartiya Vichar Sadhna, Nagpur, vol. 3, p. 33) tells us clearly that Jansangh or BJP was supposed to follow the instructions of RSS.

Further Guruji says, “We know this also that some of our Swayamsevaks [cadres] work in politics. There they have to organize according to the needs of work: public meetings, processions etc., have to raise slogans. (Same as above Vol 4, page 4-5)

RSS nurtured and trained its swayamsevaks on these lines and later floated many organizations. Nathuram Godse the killer of Mahatma Gandhi was also a trained pracharak of RSS. RSS at that time did not keep any records of membership so it could wash its hands off from this murder. Nathuram Godse's family believes that the assassin, a staunch member of the RSS was neither expelled from the sangh nor did he ever leave the organization.

Shamsul Islam, eminent scholar of Hindu Nationalism, points out, “The central publication house of the RSS, the Suruchi Prakashan, Jhandewalan, New Delhi, published, Param Vaibhav Ke Path Par (1997) which gave details of more than 40 organizations created by the RSS for different tasks. The BJP as a political organization figures prominently in it at number 3, with the ABVP, Hindu Jagaran Manch, Vishva Hindu Parishad, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch and Sanskar Bharti etc.)

Similarly the prayer and pledge of RSS make it clear that they make its followers commit to Hindu nation. Its Prathana (Prayer) says “You/O God almighty, we the integral part of the Hindu Rashtra salute you in reverence/For Your cause have we girded up our loins/Give us Your Blessings for its accomplishment.”  (RSS, Shakha Darshika, Gyan Ganga, Jaipur, 1997, p.1) The pledge is also equally forthright in this “I become a member of the RSS in order to achieve all round greatness of Bharatvarsha by fostering the growth of my sacred Hindu religion, Hindu society, and Hindu culture. (page 66 above)

The masquerading of RSS as a cultural organization does help it to expand by appealing to the emotions of many. Major leaders of the freedom struggle were very clear about the nature of RSS. “A member of Gandhi’s entourage had praised the efficiency, discipline, courage and capacity for hard work shown by RSS cadres at Wagah, a major transit camp for Punjab refugees. Gandhi quipped back, ‘but don’t forget, even so had Hitler’s Nazis and Fascists under Mussolini’, Gandhi characterized RSS as a communal body with a totalitarian outlook’ (Pyarelal, Mahatma Gandhi: The Last Phase, Ahmedabad, page 440)

Nehru did regard RSS as having traits of fascism. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, had stated that “The RSS is strictly secret as regards its organization. It has consequently developed along fascist lines and is definitely a potential menace to public peace. (Dr. Rajendra Prasad to Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, 12 December 1948)

Sardar Patel  wrote “As regards the RSS and the Hindu Mahasabha, the case relating to Gandhiji’s murder… about the participation of the two organizations, but our reports do confirm that, as a result of the activities of these two bodies, particularly the former, an atmosphere was created in the country in which such a ghastly tragedy became possible… The activities of the RSS constituted a clear threat to the existence of the Government and the State. Our reports show that those activities, despite the ban, have not died down. Indeed, as time has marched on, the RSS circles are becoming more defiant and are indulging in their subversive activities in an increasing measure. ”

[Letter 64 cited in Sardar Patel: Select Correspondence19450-1950, vol. 2, Navjivan Publishing House, Ahmadabad, 1977, pp. 276-277.]

We also recall that RSS has been banned thrice, and wriggled out of those bans by wearing the façade of Culture. As we know the ban on Government servants taking part in politics is to ensure that our bureaucracy remains committed to the values of the constitution and not be politically partisan. This ban on Government servants participating in RSS activities has been there for over 50 years. It is the third time that this was done.

In between Janata Party and Atal Bihari Vajpayee were also at the helm of political affairs but this ban was not lifted. Mr. Modi has been in power for the last 10+ years. Why is he taking this decision now? Is it after RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has been making oblique criticism of the supreme leader? There is a need for cultural activists and social scientists to assess the contribution of RSS to Indian culture. 

This mask of RSS being a cultural organization needs to be undone and its political agenda grasped for protection of Indian Constitution and democracy. As such it seems that it is a Supra-political outfit.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

NDA in Power 2024: Whither Hindu Nationalism?

 Thursday 13th June 2024 at 6:55 AM

Ram Puniyani reminded about the appointment of 

Bhopal: 13th June 2024: (Ram Puniyani//The Spis News Desk)::

File Photo 
The failure of BJP to get past 272 has brought back the NDA into the forefront. While Vajpayee came to power and led the NDA Government in 1998, still there was a strong imprint of the BJP politics in the Government. Among other things which were part of Hindutva agenda that time was the appointment of Venkatchaliah Commission to review the Constitution and Saffronisation of the textbooks and introduction of courses in astrology and Paurohitya (Rituals) in the curriculum. Twice, in 2014 and 2019, Modi came to power as NDA but as BJP on its own had overwhelming majority the other components of the Government were on the ‘silent mode’ and BJP aggressively launched its Hindu nationalist agenda, building of Ram Temple and abolition of article 370. In addition the fringe elements killing Muslims on pretext of Cow-beef and love jihad had a free hand, enjoying impunity from the state.

The other authoritarian streaks of Modi Sarkar, the subordination of Constitutional institutions were very dominating along with the role of conversion of Media into Godi media. All this did make the opposition to wake up and come together as INDIA. Despite this formation coming into being Modi and BJP centered their election propaganda around anti Muslim rhetoric. Starting from propaganda that Congress manifesto was labeled as having the imprint of Muslim League, most other slogans and promises of Congress were turned into being presented as appeasement of Muslims. Muslims were called Ghuspathiye (infiltrators) and had more children. Modi’s propaganda reached a new low when he said Congress will do mujra (a dance which emerged during Mughal rule) for them. Also it was said that If Congress comes to power terrorists will be released and invited to have Biryani, Taiban rule will be established.

The system has been so tuned that names of many Muslims do not find place in electoral rolls, at election booths, many Muslims are turned away by the police. Muslims have been effectively turned into second class citizens and have been made politically invisible. All this intensifies the prevalent hate against this hapless community.

With this background as the BJP failed to reach the propagated 400 par for NDA and more than 370 for BJP, there was a big sigh of relief in the community. As the results came and Modi declared himself as the next Prime Minister, he toned down his language to recall ‘Sarva Dharma Sambhav’ (Equal respect for all religions). This sounded as the sort of peak of hypocrisy in the light of what happened to Muslims (and Christians) during the last ten years.

What is in store for this community in times to come? A small relief is possible as probably the impunity enjoyed by the fringe elements may be slightly curtailed. There is a big if as the fringe elements by now are too much rooted in the system. Whether allies like Niteesh and Naidu will be able to raise their voice against this scattered anti Muslim violence is yet to be seen. How effective they can be against the strong arm tactics of the Modi party, only time will tell. The hate spread by the Hindu nationalist is so widespread that it may not be easy to curtail it.

It is likely that the third pillar of Hindutva politics, Uniform Civil Code, may be deferred in all probability. The CAA, which discriminates against Muslims is like a hanging sword and time alone will tell us how much pressure BJP will put to implement it. Surely after the remarkable Shaheen Bagh movement the communal party BJP will not insist on it unless they feel through experience that they can bulldoze their way despite the Naidu and Niteesh, who are more tactical in these matters. Already BJP has allied with Naidu who had initiated four percent reservation for Muslims.

The other major issue of caste census, to which BJP is opposed, may have to be rethought as it was Niteesh as CM of Bihar, where this was initiated and there is a strong national sentiment for it. There are no buyers for Modi propaganda that the INDIA alliance will remove the reservations for SC/ST/OBC and give it to Muslims.

What can we expect about the Muslims social, political and economic conditions? The hate spread against this community by the RSS combine has sunk deep into the social thinking. By default anti Muslim thinking has become part of average perceptions of the society. The consistent work of this RSS combine has gone up exponentially due to the other associates, the changes in textbooks, the role of media, and the word of mouth spread of misconceptions.

These myths, misconceptions are the solid pillars on which Hate is constructed and due to prevalent hate against Muslims, violence and subsequent polarization are brought in. While the role of RSS in 2024 elections needs further analysis, it is RSS machinations which keep pumping up the Hate against Muslims and now from the last two decades against Christians also. Interestingly the number of RSS shakhas during Modi rule has more than doubled up during last ten years. One suspects that in a state like Orissa where Kandhamal violence took place and Pastor Stains was burnt alive, the roots of BJP’s political rise were watered and now we see its results.

While in Kerala, BJP does win over a section of Christians for various reasons, nationally Christians are on the target of Hindu nationalist politics, as seen by the rising sub radar attacks on prayer meetings of Christians.

All said and done the marginalization of Muslims will continue. It is not easy to undo the deep polarization introduced into society due to the work done by this organization. What RSS has been doing was well diagnosed by our first Home minister Sardar Vallabhbhai  Patel, when he wrote, “All their speeches were full of communal poison, as a result of the poison the country had to suffer the sacrifice  of invaluable life of Gandhiji”  (Writing after banning of Sangh in 1948). 

This aspect of our political life was not curtailed-combated and it grew into a multi headed hydra using every opportunity to intensify the religious division in the society. We cannot build the India of the dreams of our freedom fighters without undoing the massive hate which grips the social understanding.      

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Development's hidden price tag: Water, Forests, Land. Can we afford progress?

How would animals have fought that struggle for survival?

Homes and Hideouts in Forest: 15th March 2024:

An indicative and imaginary report 

by Kartika Kalyani Singh The SPIS news Desk

It's almost midnight.
After some time the date will also change. Then in a few more hours the morning light will start appearing but before that an amazing scene of struggles is in front. The battle for the existence of life is being fought. This fight is also against the development which human beings have adopted as an obsession. There is much that is old that is still useful but has been sacrificed.

Human groups are recreating and reshaping the world according to their own desire and will. these groups have become the God of today. Big developed countries are showing off this kind of dominance. When crowds of human groups suddenly started coming to cause destruction in the forests, herds of animals started entering deep into the forest. They had to hide from this onslaught of development. This was their ancestral land which was being snatched away by human society right in front of them.

The animal groups were frightened but were also preparing to resist. The desire to hide was taking them deep into the forest. The sunlight coming from outside was left far behind. As they wandered deeper into the forest, the group of animals began to notice a change in the air. The leaves, which usually rustle in the wind, were still. In the air coming towards the forest, there was the smell of diesel and petrol of big machines and also the noise of the machines. These machines were treating the animals like big monsters.

They followed the sound of an unfamiliar machines, which was getting louder with every step. Suddenly, they emerged from among the dense foliage and saw a huge earthmover with its metal claws digging into the soil. Before them lay the remains of their home: trees were fallen, branches were scattered, and the once lush forest was transformed into a desolate wasteland. A new highway was being built through their territory, cutting them off from the rest of the forest. They stood in shock, unable to understand how this could happen.

As they saw the scale of the destruction, the animals began debating their next move. Some suggested that they should fight back by using their combined power to drive away the humans and their machines. Others argued that it was pointless; The humans had proven themselves very powerful and tireless. The young reindeer child, still untouched by the harsh realities of the world, urged his elders not to lose hope. Hearing his words, the old animals also started laughing but the words of the young deer were really consoling. There was substance in his words.

He had an idea. He had seen how humans used their machines to shape the world around them, and he believed there must be a way to use their abilities against intruders. The method in which intelligence is used. It was not easy to deal with this human attack with physical force. In that moment, she immediately felt a surge of determination, a realization that she was destined for something bigger than she had ever imagined. He felt a power coming from within him.

The young deer cub started gathering other animals around itself with great courage and confidence. He explained his plan to everyone in this special meeting. He said-they will use their bodies and minds to slow down the progress of highway construction. They could tunnel under the road, and dig deeper and deeper until the road became unstable and collapsed beneath their feet. They could also use their combined weight and numbers to form a living wall to bring down the giant machines that were threatening their home. There was no other option left without fighting this battle of survival.

The other animals were skeptical at first after hearing the young deer's words, but the deer's determination was infectious. They also began to see great potential in his plan and realized that they had nothing to lose by trying while there was a whole world ahead of them to win.

Once that was agreed, they immediately got to work, each animal playing an important role in the operation. Everyone was fully aware of their responsibilities. Their food, water and everything became extremely disciplined.

Everyone had taken up their duties on every field of this battle. Squirrels and rabbits started running here and there in the bushes and collecting tools and materials. Beavers and badgers started digging tunnels rapidly. As part of this campaign, he strengthened the foundation of his temporary fort. The deer and antelope, exposing themselves to the greatest risk, formed a living wall, standing shoulder to shoulder and facing the construction vehicles. His birthplace and workplace were in danger. Its protection now stood before him as the most urgent duty.

The defense system under which groups of animals were engaged in protecting themselves was, in a way, similar to gorilla warfare. Here the human was probably unaware. The humans, unaware of the resistance growing beneath their feet, continued their steady progress. They pushed the earthmovers forward, unaware that each step was becoming more difficult as the ground began to slip and the tunnels deepened.

The animals worked tirelessly with their intelligence and unity, their muscles sorely strained as they struggled to stem the tide of destruction. Whenever he felt tired, he would just sit for a few moments and feel refreshed. Seeing all this, the young deer's heart was filled with hope and determination, and he urged his companions to move forward, believing that they could win this battle against these forces of progress at any cost.

As construction vehicles got closer, the animals could feel the vibrations of their engines through the ground. The beaver and the badger were very excited. Working together, they quickly strengthened their tunnels and created new escape routes. Seeing their tunnels, even the man-made tunnels in big forts and forests were getting affected. Squirrels and rabbits ran around along with them, collecting equipment and supplies needed for the fight. Deer and antelope stood side by side, forming an impenetrable wall that greatly slowed the progress of bulldozers and excavators.

It is a pity that there was neither any historian, nor any writer, nor any TV channel nor any newspaper to tell the world about the strength, sacrifice and courage that these animals were showing to save the forests of their birthplace and their place of work. Representative. There was no one there to show his bravery to the world. There was no one there to show the inhuman brutality of humans. Only a few animals were thinking that their bravery and sacrifice would remain lost in the darkness of anonymity. Still everyone was busy. Far away from the desire and desire to make wealth and earn fame. A war of renunciation and sacrifice was being fought in which only the pure love of Mother Earth was visible. A picture of unwavering attachment to one's birthplace was beginning to emerge.

Meanwhile, the young deer did wonders again. His energy seemed truly inexhaustible, and with words of encouragement he united the other animals once again for a small but emergency meeting. He also told them stories of all the other animals who had faced the greatest of obstacles and emerged victorious, giving hope to even the most skeptical people. Her determination was contagious, and it spread through the group like wildfire. Perhaps for the first time in this forest, these animals had read the history of their brave ancestors and warriors and also felt the need to take inspiration from it. The past had started appearing as the present in front of them.

The struggle of the animals was also beginning to bear fruits. As humans continued their steady progress in monopolizing and taking over the water, forests and land, they began to notice that their machines were having difficulty keeping up. The ground beneath them was shifting and unstable, and they couldn't understand why. Little did they perhaps know that the animals were constantly working hard, digging tunnels and strengthening their defenses to escape their home and country. In this way animals became a formidable force, using their intelligence and strength to overcome humans and their machines. The big machines of humans were beginning to lose in front of the unity and capability of animals.

Meanwhile, the young deer fawn had become a symbol of hope and resilience for his fellow animals. His leadership skills and unwavering determination inspired him to continue fighting even in the face of insurmountable odds. The young deer's mother also knew that they could not win this fight against progress forever, but she also believed that they could bring about change no matter what. She was looking towards the sky with her head held high with pride at her deer son who has shown the heart of a lion. The fight for survival makes even the weakest people so brave. When the power of the mind comes together with the power of the body, a miracle is bound to happen.

Eager to take over the forests, human society also started using various types of smoke and poisons. New machines were also ordered. The campaign to cut down huge green, old trees and erect huge concrete buildings in their places was in full swing. Animals were surprised that what will humans eat for food after the completion of the evolution for which humans are going crazy? Where will you drink water from when you feel thirsty? Apart from all these, the biggest problem is that after cutting the trees of the forests, from where will we breathe? But perhaps there was no one there to listen to him. The only thing left for them was to fight. There was no other choice.

Meanwhile, two people were passing by singing something. Animals couldn't understand what had happened. One older animal contacted a very wise old monk who was visiting Neelwanti Garanth. He knew the languages of all animals and birds. He could understand everyone and talk to everyone. He listened to that wonderful song of two passers-by and said that it is a priceless piece of Punjabi literature and poetry. This is Pash's poetic composition-Asin Ladage Saathi - Asin Ladage Saathi! That means we will fight, buddy! We will fight partner!  we will fight buddy!

On hearing this poetic composition, the courage of the animals fighting for survival became higher. They continued to dig tunnels and build living walls, using their bodies as weapons against the invaders.

The animals saluted the two passers-by who were singing songs along with this fight and also thanked them for raising their voice in our favor. Those two passers-by raised both their hands towards the fist and raised slogans, We are with you. both passers also promised that we will take your voice to Medha Patkar, Himanshu Kumar and even Maneka Gandhi.

Meanwhile the war remained continued. As construction of this so-called progress, the men became more and more frustrated by unexpected setbacks. They brought in larger machinery and more workers in hopes of overcoming it, but their efforts began to fail. According the reports this battle is still continued in many places. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

DOD Committed to Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence

June 15, 2023 | By Joseph Clark , DOD News |

DOD policy on AI is publicly available

The Department of Defense (DoD) of the United States has recognized the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing military capabilities and addressing emerging security challenges. With the aim of harnessing AI technologies to maintain technological superiority and strengthen national defense, the DoD has formulated a comprehensive policy framework. This policy emphasizes the responsible and ethical development, deployment, and use of AI systems by the military. It encompasses guidelines for AI research, acquisition, and implementation, focusing on ensuring transparency, accountability, and human control over AI-enabled systems. By promoting collaboration, innovation, and adherence to ethical standards, the DoD seeks to leverage AI effectively while upholding the principles of safety, reliability, and national security.--Editorial Desk

The Defense Department is prioritizing ethical considerations
and collaboration in its approach to developing and fielding military applications of artificial intelligence, a top Pentagon technology official said today.

Michael C. Horowitz, the director of the emerging capabilities policy office in the office of the undersecretary of defense for policy, underscored the U.S.' commitment to leading the international conversation surrounding artificial intelligence during a panel discussion in Washington on setting rules and expectations for emerging technologies in national security.
A man in uniform points to a computer screen

Underpinning this commitment, Horowitz said, is a comprehensive set of policy decisions within DOD that governs the development and fielding of autonomous weapon systems, ethical artificial intelligence strategy, and the development of responsible artificial intelligence strategy and pathways.

U.S. leadership, in codifying these principles, is now driving responsible artificial intelligence policy formulation among international partners, he said.

A photo illustration depicting a soldier wearing virtual reality glasses with a chess set in the foreground

"If you look at NATO's ethical AI principles, for example, they're very similar to the Defense Department's ethical AI principles and that's not that's not an accident," Horowitz said. "It reflects in many ways the sort of common values and perspective on how we're thinking about... when we would want to use AI and how."

He said U.S. also led on the international stage by issuing its Political Declaration of Responsible Military use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy in February.

In this post a photo illustration depicting a soldier wearing virtual reality glasses with a chess set in the foreground.

"That's a set of strong norms that lay out principles of what responsible use looks like that we're now working to bring other countries on board to endorse since we think that bringing the international community together on this issue, that there is a lot of possibility for cooperation and we want to encourage the rest of the world to take these issues as seriously as the department has," Horowitz said. "And in looking at our allies and partners, we're really encouraged by that."

That commitment to the responsible development of artificial intelligence, and its transparency concerning the development of policy surrounding emerging technologies, is also how the U.S. has distinguished itself from its global competitors, he said.

He said all DOD policy surrounding artificial intelligence and emerging technology is publicly available.

A small drone is photographed while hovering

"That's in contrast to some of the competitors of the United States who are a lot less transparent in what their policies are concerning the development and use of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, including autonomous weapons systems," Horowitz said. "And we think that there's a real distinction there."

At the same time, the U.S. has remained committed to being at the leading edge of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, Horowitz said.

He said the rapid advance of the technology has opened up a wide array of use cases for artificial intelligence beyond defense. The U.S. continues to be "an engine of innovation when it comes to AI."

"The Defense Department does lots and lots of different experimentation with emerging technologies," Horowitz said. "And we both want to do them in a safe and responsible way, but also want to do them in a way that can push forward the cutting edge and ensure the department has access to the emerging technologies that it needs to stay ahead."

Monday, October 31, 2022

Russia Continues Attacks on Ukraine Civilian Targets

Oct. 31, 2022 | By Jim Garamone , DOD News |   

Russia is continuing its campaign of terror attacks on Ukraine as it targets civilian infrastructure, said senior defense officials. 

The Ukrainian military has been able to defend against some of the Russian attacks, but air defense remains a priority. "Damage to the electric grid and water supply are serious concerns directly harming the civilian population," a senior defense official said.  

The United States is working with the Ukrainian military, allies and partners to improve Ukraine's defenses.  

Two service members stand in a field and fire a shoulder-launched missile.

The United States has already provided 1,400 Stinger short-range air defense weapons. Allies and partners have also provided short-range air defense.

The U.S. has committed to sending eight National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems – NASAMs – to Ukraine. Two of those systems are being sent in the next few weeks with the others to follow. Ukrainian soldiers are already being trained to use the system, which shoots many different missiles. NASAMs can defend against a wide range of airborne threats. 

"We also have committed to a suite of counter, unmanned aerial systems, including the Vampire system and other radar systems," officials said. 

And more is being done. "The U.S. also helped support Slovakia's donation of an S-300 system earlier in the war," the official said. "This was incredibly important to protect Ukrainian infrastructure at that point in time, and the U.S. also sourced many spare parts to keep Ukraine's Soviet-type air defense systems up and running." 

Germany and Spain have recently sent air defense systems to Ukraine. A key to this is integrating all of these systems from many different nations to protect Ukraine, and that remains an on-going effort. 

The senior defense official said the latest tranche of security assistance the United States will provide Ukraine includes additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS; 500 rounds of precision-guided 155 millimeter artillery rounds; and more than 1,300 anti-armor systems, including the shoulder-launched multipurpose assault weapon. The package – valued at $275 million – also includes Humvees and satellite communications antennas. 

On the ground, the battle continues with Russia’s attack on infrastructure causing widespread power outages. In and around Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, Ukrainian forces have liberated some additional villages as they continue to press toward the east. Russian forces in this area are focused on reinforcing their defensive lines. 

Farther south, Russian forces are attempting to pursue offensive operations. In Kherson, "we continue to see deliberate and calibrated operations by Ukrainian forces as they press Russian forces along the three main axes," a senior military official said. "We assess that the Russians in this area continue to reinforce their defensive lines, as well." 

U.S. officials said they’re tracking the reports and Russian statements regarding an alleged attack against Russian navy vessels in Sevastopol, a city in Crimea.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

One Year Since the Conclusion of the Afghanistan War

 Message to the Force                               30th August 2022

Today, we mark one year since the end of the U.S. war in Afghanistan, and I, like so many of you, have been reflecting on the sacrifice that American Service Members, Veterans, their families, and so many others made during America's longest war.

I first want to express my profound gratitude to all who served in Afghanistan, including everyone on our Department of Defense team.  Every American who contributed to our efforts shared a deep devotion to keeping our country safe, working toward a brighter future for the Afghan people, and standing up for liberty, democracy, and the rule of law.  As a veteran of the war, I witnessed firsthand the bravery, selflessness, and compassion that our men and women brought to the fight.  Your efforts make me proud to be your colleague - and even prouder to be an American.

Two decades of noble service demanded significant and selfless sacrifice.  Many Service members still bear the wounds of war, to body and to soul, and 2,461 brave heroes never made it home.  To our Gold Star families: We hold your loved ones in our hearts - and we pledge to you the unwavering commitment of a grateful Nation.

United States went to Afghanistan in 2001
to wage a necessary war of self-defense. 

On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists attacked our country.  They were able to plan and execute such a horrific attack because their Taliban hosts had given them safe haven in Afghanistan.  Since 2001, no enemy has been able to launch such an attack on our homeland, and that speaks to the entire U.S. government's efforts to defend our citizens from terrorist threats that could emanate from Afghanistan or anywhere around the globe.

Still, we know this work is not done.  We must keep a relentless focus on counterterrorism - and we are.  Just a few weeks ago, the United States delivered justice to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden's deputy at the time of the 9/11 attacks.  And in recent months, our military has successfully carried out operations against key ISIS leaders.  We also know that preventing terrorist violence requires much more than military might.  We're committed to supporting a whole-of-government effort to address the root causes of violent extremism.  No one should doubt America's resolve to keep our people safe.

For me, there is no greater testament to the strength of a country's democracy than the fact that millions of people freely choose, every day, to defend it.  Those who step up to serve - whether in uniform or as part of our civilian workforce - do so because of the values we fight for: the rule of law, human dignity, and freedom.

So last year, in the war's final days, the United States, along with our partners and allies, conducted the largest air evacuation of civilians in American history, lifting more than 124,000 people to safety.  I'm proud that our military communities-and Americans from all walks of life-have welcomed our Afghan allies as they begin new lives in our country.

And our values continue to drive the important work that American patriots are doing around the world.  The United States is rushing urgently needed assistance to Ukraine in the face of Russia's unprovoked and reckless invasion.  We are firmly committed to supporting the people of Ukraine and to defending the rules-based international order against autocrats and aggressors anywhere.

As our country looks back on two decades of combat in Afghanistan, I understand that many people have hard questions about the costs of the war and what their sacrifices meant.  These are important discussions, and I hope we will keep having them with thoughtfulness and respect.

Last year, I said that although the Afghanistan war has ended, our gratitude to those who served never will.  Today, I renew that pledge.  To every man and woman who served in Afghanistan: This country will never forget what you did and what you gave.

Thank you.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

Lloyd J. Austin, III