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Common man hit hard |
Inflation has risen so much high that it looking like a competition of kites that who's kite is more high mean to say that which product is most inflated. scenario is going in this way that things of daily needs are getting costlier day by day and luxury items are getting cheaper due to stiff competition. Then logically a saying by Shyam Jagota's co mes to my mind that anyhow a common wants to ask that "whether you also save me like Afzal and Kasab ?" The common man in this picture is saying this in a shouting tone. And if the answer comes that comes very late when with the balloon of inflation many people flew away. Or a promise which takes a long time to get it complete and in between that half of the population will fly along with the ballon of inflation. i will make you know the common meaning of my these words further, first we should have to know about the inflation.
Inflation Rate :-
According to the figures released the inflation rate was 18.32 5 on food items on 25th December. It was on 14.44 5 a week ago by 25th December. It was on 10.15 % on 13th November. After-all what is this 18.32 %, 14.44 %, 10.15% ? In a layman's term it is a purchasing power of a person. This purchasing power increased or decreased to knowing this is a inverse relation. Mean to say that if the sign of a figure is positive then purchasing power is decreased. If the figure is negative then purchasing power is increased. In more easy way we can understand in this way, if it is 18.32 % or +18.32% [same thing] then purchasing power is decreased, if figure is like -18.32 % then purchasing power is increased. now it can be said easily that on 13th November the inflation which was on 10.15 % has crossed a mark of 18.32 % on 25th December. We can also say this that purchasing power of a man has been declined to 18.32 %.
After-all how this comes into the picture? What are the base figures of these figures which determines the whole ?
The mirror is very clear. first we should come to know that how these figures are being determined. Actually in our country some parameters has been established to measures the inflation. Many factors are taken into consideration while measuring the inflation but the most important factor is the BASE YEAR. The prices of the base year are taken as base to measure the inflation. What happens ? Th difference of the prices from base has been taken and divided by the prices of the base year then multiplied with hundred. the result obtained by this is written in percentage form like 18.32 %. This base year is changed time to time after some particular interval of time. the base year of current inflation is the financial year of 2004-05.
Reasons of Inflation :-
As in science their is some reason for happening or not happening similarly economics has the reason of inflation and deflation. According to economics the prices of the product us decided by force which is called Demand and Supply. When the demand and supply remains same in proportion then the prices reached to an equilibrium point. When demand increases and supply decreases or remains constant then prices rise. When demand decreases and supply increases or remain constant then prices fall. I think this is the sole reason of increasing or decreasing of prices.
Political noise and dialogism :-
According to chain the next question which comes into picture is that what is reason behind today's inflation? is demand has increased and supply is constant this time ? or supply is reduced and demand is constant ?
I don't find any logical reason of inflation in between these two. Just observe, Isn't the prices can be increased with a wrong intention ? But how ? As in economics as the supply decreases the prices rise similarly if the availability of products in the market is being reduced or stopped then prices automatically rises. then only that product will be sold which will be available in the market at that time and on high rates. see, prices has been risen.
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Price Rise |
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Photo Courtesy:Vichar Mimansa |
According to me the political dialogism has the highest share of making prices rise rather than other factors. If this share may be 99 % it will not astonish me. Even the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has told that the inflation will be in control by the end of March. These are those easy explanations for which I've stated upper.
Rise in Petrol prices :-
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Satinder Singh Shah |
The situation reaches to this extent that youngsters are updating these type of statuses on social networking sites like Facebook "This is the first time in the history that needs, comfort and luxuries are available on same price. Onions: Rs. 65/- KG, Petrol: Rs. 65/- liter, Beer: Rs. 65/- bottle."
One make a sigh of relief that diesel prices are not deregulated and the control of this is in the hands of govt. and these are not been increased. But there is also a panic that whether they may not increase that in coming financial budget. if it does so then living of a common man will be battleground.
Then where the thing is mind of the people will come out on their tongue. "whether you also save me like Afzal and Kasab ? "
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